Sunday, March 4, 2012

My weekend

Hi Everyone!

 I wanted to take this time, to share a few words about my weekend!  


I was a guest on the Jeff and Amanda 98.5 KRZ show.  We talked about "Blessings in A Backpack" and competing for Mrs Pennsylvania International.  It was SO much fun!!  I know that Blessings in a Backpack was able to raise a large sum of money, as people texted in pledges!   (Thank you, Everyone for supporting  Blessings in a Backpack!!)  

Friday night,  we went bowling with my entire family!!  It was a blast, we had a great time!


Gary and I attended the American Heart Association Ball. (I wore a dress that I made a few years ago.)   We had the best time!!  It was an honor to be invited to represent such a great cause.  
The support that was given to me for competing for Mrs Pennsylvania International was "amazing"!  Thank you again, American Heart Association for the pin and flowers!! ( I will wear my pin proudly.) 


 I would like to start with "Happy Birthday, little Gary!"  We had a great day!  It started off with an early morning run with my hubby, church and little Gary's Birthday dinner!  It was nice to see that little Gary enjoyed his day!  It was so funny to watch him open his presents, and receive his new dirt bike (with strict instructions).   He's been riding since the age of five, but I still worry as a Mom!   

Sitting here in my over sized chair,  just me and my thoughts.  I can't help thinking how great this weekend was.   I am surrounded with love!!   A husband, children, family and friends who are so special!  God bless you all,  I love each and every one of you!      A card by itself is never enough to express love and joy brought to me by each one of you!  

I'm not sure where this road will take me, but I know deep down inside, I'm truly thankful to have each and every one of you right by my side!!  XOXOXO

God Bless and Good night! 

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