Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I'm very proud to announce that this year, a bunch of PA families will be very happy with the backpacks that will be going home with their children.  The grant came through and Blessings in a Backpack will be receiving funds to aide families in need. Thank you Lord! 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone! As "2012" comes to an end I find myself looking back at the past year. Our family has been through alot of changes, some good and some bad.  As I reflect this year as Mrs PA, I can't help be thankful for the people I have met over the last few months. I appreciate each and everyone of you! Thank you,  for your support and allowing me to share your recipes and friendship.  You all will always be a friend to me and my family. 

With the approaching of "2013, I have to say that those tons of Christmas cookies and chocolate carmel covered apples I've made and consumed in the last few weeks have "not" been on my side, be honest I'm happy to sport those extra few pounds, because weight does not define someone!  As I approch the end of my rein in March, I decided to devote my time helping others as a "secret". ( so if anyone knows of someone that is in need, please send that name my way)  My husband and I are teaching the youth today to do just one thing special for someone without telling them. This could include holding a door open for a stranger, calling a friend,  taking an elder grocery shopping or simply saying a small prayer for a person.  If we all just say something nice about soemone and not judge them, think how much better it would make one's day!  I may be a country girl , but guess what, I'M PROUD OF IT!  

I would like to wish each and everyone of you a very Happy and Blessed New Year! May the good Lord bless you all!