Saturday, March 31, 2012

Fruit Salad, request

    Hi Everyone!

        Thank you for reaching out to me for "cost less" recipes.  I'm so happy to share this fruit salad recipe.  This is great for the warm weather approaching us.

The emphasis for this recipe will be the apples.  This is what gives the salad crunch and flavor! Choose your apples wisely!  Remember, there are so many varieties out there.  (leaving the peel on, not only adds color, but it adds fiber as well!)

  • 3 apples, cored and cubed
  • 1/4 lb. seedless grapes, washed and removed from stems
  • 1 banana, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 1 8-oz. can pineapple chunks canned in juice, drained
  • 1/4 cup chopped walnuts
  • 1 tsp. honey
  • 1-1/2 cups low-fat vanilla yogurt

In small bowl, whisk together honey and yogurt. Place rest of ingredients in large bowl, pour yogurt mixture over all, and toss to mix well. You can serve it immediately, or cover and let stand for 20 minutes in refrigerator before serving. You can also  toss a small amount of trail mix over the top.  I love to eat this right before a hike or long bike ride! 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Healthy Foods, list

I'm trying to put together a summer cost-less "wellness" program.  After doing some research on fruits and veggies, I wanted to share some great facts with my readers today! 
I hope you find this useful, and as always feel free to drop me a few lines!

No matter where you live, you can find some great  foods—which also happen to be good for you. I'm providing a  list of some of the things you'll find in the produce aisle of your grocery store, or in your local farmers' market. ( Remember the local farmer's market's will be opening soon, let's show our local support as much as we can!) 

Apples  Different varieties come in season starting in mid- to late summer and right on through autumn. Be sure to eat the skin to get the best health benefits. ( I love honey crisp apples!!!) 
1 box of strawberry jello, 2 honey crisp apples a hand full of walnuts and a can of crushed pineapple is all you need to make a great healthy snack!!  
add 1cup of hot water to the jello mix add, walnuts, apples (diced) and pineapple!
refrigerate for two hours and enjoy!! 
Apricots  Originally from China, apricots are not only delicious, but they're also a great source of vitamins A and C, as well as potassium. Look for fruits that are plump, firm, and uniform in color.
  • Avocados  Though their seasons vary, summer is a good time to find ripe avocados in your local stores. High in monounsaturated fats, they also contain vitamins A, C, D, E, and K, plus a couple of those B vitamins.
  • Basil  Summer is the best season to enjoy this aromatic herb—a great ingredient to liven up pastas, sandwiches, or salads. ( there  is something about "fresh" basil in sauce.)
  • Blueberries Rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients, a handful of these babies are great when you toss them into a low-fat smoothie or on top of some yogurt for a nutritious snack! Yum, Chicago prep!! 
  • Carrots  Not only are carrots good road-trip snacks, they also have pro-vitamin A carotenes that can help reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • Chard  Like spinach, chard is low in calories and contains phytonutrients including syringic acid, which inhibits carbs from breaking down into simple sugars, thus warding off issues like diabetes by keeping blood sugar steady.
  • Cherries Cherries are high in vitamin C and potassium, and if you go pick them yourself, you'll get the additional benefit of some good old-fashioned exercise. ( warning do not bring hungry children, you will be up all night!!!!, trust me on this one!! ;-)
  • Corn A summer staple, its folate and B vitamins can contribute to improved cardiovascular health. (locally grown in our area!) 
  • Cucumbers  Cucumbers are great for your skin, muscles, and connective tissue, plus they're full of water, fiber, and vitamin C.
  • Eggplant The beautiful purple skin found on these late-summer vegetables is good food for your brain.
  • Fennel  This Mediterranean bulb is rich in vitamin C and phytonutrients, especially anethole, which have showed to have some anti-cancer effects.
    • Figs  Fresh figs available during the hot months are a great source of potassium, which can help lower blood pressure.
    • Garlic  Volumes have been written on the benefits of this stinky bulb, which include how good it is for heart health and how its antiviral properties may be able to help keep us from getting sick.( I swear this was a daily "vitamin" in our home growing up!!!) 
    • Grapes Great for snacking, they're low in calories and contain the heart disease-fighting phytonutrient resveratrol, normally associated with red wine. (remember never pass up those Muscadine grapes, (Vitis rotundifolia)
    • Green beans   Steamed  these are great  crisp vegetables for a healthy side dish that's filled with carotenoids, which are great for your heart and more.
    • LemongrassUsed in Thai and Southeast Asian cooking, this citrusy herb is high in folic acid and has been shown to have antioxidant and disease-preventing properties. You can purchase lemongrass juice frozen in the health food isle of the grocery store! ( this is a family favorite!!) 
    • Lettuce  Not all greens are equal, so go for the mixed greens, romaine, or red leaf lettuce for the best benefits in your salads. 
    • Mangos Though higher in calories, one cup of diced mango can provide 75 percent of your daily vitamin C recommendation. Great for helping out the immune system of right before boarding a plane! -:)

My Sister

What a great week!! 

 I'm filling my calendar and looking forward to reaching as many families as possible! 

I just wanted to start my blog out today, making sure I thank on more person, my sister!

The last 35 years I have had the pleasure to live my life with someone I call my "sister"!  We have shared SO many hugs and tears!!  My big sister has always been there by my side to protect me and guide me.  She has a way of making me believe in myself that she doesn't even know! 

My sister has always been a role model that I look up to, and I am so thankful and proud of my sister!! 
I love you, Mich! 

I will be packing some backpack today and tomorrow.  If anyone would like to join me, please feel free to email me @ I want to add as many schools and volunteers as possible.  We have a lot of families in need right here in NEPA! Remember, I am always available to help in anyway I can!! 
The dream you carry inside your heart is far too valuable to relinquish to anyone's perspective of you. "BE YOU" That's why you are here. Discard words like "naive".  Explore, experiment, evolve. Take life in big gulps. The only person you have to answer to at the end of the day is YOU. If you feel you want to take a left turn in life, that should be because you decided to, not as a reaction to what others say.  Stay real.-:) 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Thank you!

I want to reflect this time to say; "Thank You" to everyone for supporting my dreams!  Gary, you are my true soul mate and I love you SO much for being on my team.  You are my biggest supporter and I can't tell you how much I apprecite tht!!!!  Maddy and Gary, thank you for helping Mommy get ready!!   Mom, Dad, Diane and Pam thank you for your support!!    Suzy Bootz, Thank you for all your help and Competitive Image, Thank you for all your help! Joey, you have the best taste and Clay you are a true artist, I love my photos!!!  Thank you team Cessna for all your hard work and my sister queen Dawn Hicks!! You are amazing and I'm so proud of you for all you have done for our country! You will always be a true hero to me!-:))

  I am so happy to hold the title of Mrs. Pennsylvania International 2012!! WOW, I'm overwhelmed by all the  congratulatory notes and well wishes!!  

I have a lot of work to do in the next year, and can't wait to get started! 

This weekend, was one amazing weekend!  It was a pleasure to meet and spend time with the most talented ladies that shared that stage with me!  Jill, Kathleen, Danella, Sara and Teena  you all are amazing women and it was a pleasure to spent the time with each and everyone of you!  

Monday, March 19, 2012

cooking and teaching!

Hi Everyone,

It was a long day today, but feeling very excited about so much. My day started off to a rough start, but all and all it worked out!

I was so happy to be invited to the set of WBRE, NEPA live today.  I made "cost less" meals to show families you can make healthy foods for less.  I was able to share some information about the "Blessings in a Backpack Organization"! I can't tell you how much I enjoy feeding children!

 I brought the biggest food critics I know, to "taste test" the food!  My two children, Maddy and Gary! I think the chicken passed and to my surprise,  they gave the chicken salad a thumbs up as well!   I made the "cereal" chicken recipe that I wrote for my column this week.  It was simple and  cheap to make! If I am honored to hold the title of Mrs Pennsylvania International, this will be one of the recipes show cased in my cook book!

I'm getting very excited about the next few days, I can't wait to see everyone again!  I'm so excited so many of my friends and family are coming to cheer me on! My team of supporters, I don't know what I would do with out all of you!  The old saying, "It takes a team",  I'm so very proud of my team!! !

"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." ~ Zig Ziglar

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Keep the Faith

Hi Everyone,   

I know it's not like me to post a poem on my sight but for some reason, I feel the need to post this tonight.  I know someone out there needs this. 

~ your blessings will come my dear friend. 

Keep the Faith

Always Keep the faith
through each and every trial you face.
Put your trust in God,
He will see you through.
God has a greater purpose for you,
God dosn't give us nothing to difficult.
and when you feel like you can't go on
Know this, there is no power greater than
that of God.
How many hours do we spend
when we should be praising
God for what he has
done instead.
Lisa Arlin

Sunday, March 11, 2012

weekend blog

Hi Everyone,

I'm taking the time to blog a few lines.  This past week, was filled with SO many things!  It was great working with WNEP's Ryan Lecky and  friend, Chef Randy.  We made meatless meals for the Lenten season,  and took over the West Side Technical School.  This was the very first time visiting this school.  I have to say I was very impressed by the students and staff!  (thank you, Stanley and Katelyn)

I also did another presentation for Blessings in a Backpack. I'm working on a program that will help blessings  families throughout the summer months. Information coming soon!

Lastly, still working on a few alterations for the Mrs Pennsylvania International pageant.  It was so nice to attend the Mrs New Jersey International pageant Saturday, with Maddy and Cheryl.  Congratulations to all the new title holders!  All of the girls were truly amazing! It was great to see everyone from last year and the new contestants that will be competing this year.

~Many blessings to all of you for a wonderful week ahead!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Just a simple, Thank You!

Hi Everyone,

 I wanted to say "THANK YOU" to everyone who believes in me!  As most of you can see from looking at my face book page, I have been a little busy! LOL  I'm so thankful to be on radio and television combining two  passions, cooking  and Blessings in a Backpack!  I know a lot of you read my blog daily and I want all of you to know I appreciate each and everyone of you!!! I mean that from the bottom of my heart, It's  amazing to have random people, support the Blessings in a Backpack Organization.  I stand confident knowing that "we" are making a true difference and it's showing!  THANK YOU

Monday, March 5, 2012

Creating your Own Life

Good Morning Everyone!   I'm starting my day with a smile and motivation.  Every Monday, I listen to a friend of mine.  She delivers a motivational Monday segment on line.

 I found this article and thought it was amazing and I wanted to share it with you. The author is unknown, but the words and message have power!  

Author Unknown
Creating Your Own Life

Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there; they serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become.  You never know who these people may be; your roommate, neighbor, professor, long-lost friend,  or even a complete stranger who, when you talk with them, you know that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way.

Sometimes things happen to you and at the time they may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower or heart.  Everything happens for a reason.  Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck.  Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. 
Without these small tests - whether they are events, illnesses or relationships - life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere.  Safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.  The people you meet who affect your life, and the successes and downfalls you experience, create who you are; even the bad experiences can be learned from.  In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones.

If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart to.  If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally; not only because they love you, but because they are teaching you to love, and they are opening your heart and eyes to things you would have never seen or felt without them.
Make every day count.  Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again.  Talk to people you have never talked to before, and actually listen.  Let yourself fall in love, break free and set your sights high.
Hold your head up because you have every right to. 
Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself; for if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you, either.  You can make of your life anything you wish. 
Create your own life and then go out and live it.
Have a blessed Day!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

My weekend

Hi Everyone!

 I wanted to take this time, to share a few words about my weekend!  


I was a guest on the Jeff and Amanda 98.5 KRZ show.  We talked about "Blessings in A Backpack" and competing for Mrs Pennsylvania International.  It was SO much fun!!  I know that Blessings in a Backpack was able to raise a large sum of money, as people texted in pledges!   (Thank you, Everyone for supporting  Blessings in a Backpack!!)  

Friday night,  we went bowling with my entire family!!  It was a blast, we had a great time!


Gary and I attended the American Heart Association Ball. (I wore a dress that I made a few years ago.)   We had the best time!!  It was an honor to be invited to represent such a great cause.  
The support that was given to me for competing for Mrs Pennsylvania International was "amazing"!  Thank you again, American Heart Association for the pin and flowers!! ( I will wear my pin proudly.) 


 I would like to start with "Happy Birthday, little Gary!"  We had a great day!  It started off with an early morning run with my hubby, church and little Gary's Birthday dinner!  It was nice to see that little Gary enjoyed his day!  It was so funny to watch him open his presents, and receive his new dirt bike (with strict instructions).   He's been riding since the age of five, but I still worry as a Mom!   

Sitting here in my over sized chair,  just me and my thoughts.  I can't help thinking how great this weekend was.   I am surrounded with love!!   A husband, children, family and friends who are so special!  God bless you all,  I love each and every one of you!      A card by itself is never enough to express love and joy brought to me by each one of you!  

I'm not sure where this road will take me, but I know deep down inside, I'm truly thankful to have each and every one of you right by my side!!  XOXOXO

God Bless and Good night!